Sunday, October 13, 2024

Kiwanis Antique and Classic Car Show

September 7, 2024 — The 37th annual Kiwanis Club Antique and Classic Car Show was held once again at NHTI — Concord's Community College. It was my 12th visit since 2010 to this show. Like other shows, this one has been a little slow to fully recover from the pandemic year of 2020. But this year saw definite improvement over last, featuring good turnout and variety of vehicles, many I hadn't seen before. The NHTI campus is an excellent venue for a car show, and the college is generous to offer their facilities year after year.

The show offers a better than average food selection. An ample number of picnic benches are available so everyone may sit down for lunch, a luxury many shows fall short of. A quiet, tree-lined pond at the edge of the show field offers respite. It's a day well-spent.

You can see my photographic coverage of the show at this link:

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