Friday, February 16, 2018


February 15, 2018 — When Gus Kaikkonen, artistic director
of the Peterborough Players in Peterboroough, New Hampshire, saw David Lindsay-Abaire's "Ripcord" in New York, he knew he had to stage it at the Players. He also knew exactly who would be perfect for the two female leads, and he got that right. The two roles were tailor-made for Players' veterans Lisa Bostnar as Abby Binder and Kathy Manfre as Marilyn Dunne.

In this comedy, directed by Kaikkonen, the cantankerous Abby values her privacy in her spacious, brightly-lit two-bed room with a view, which she presently has to herself, in the Bristol Place Senior Living Facility. When upbeat, energetic, garrulous Marilyn bounces in as Abby's new roommate, Abby's world of sullen silence is destroyed.

When all Abby's appeals to get the relentlessly cheerful Marilyn removed fail, the two women make a bet, based on Abby's assertion that nothing scares her, and Marilyn's claim she never gets angry. The winner gets to take over the side of the room next to the picture window, currently Abby's half. The tests conceived to win the bet are hilarious, often dangerous and sometimes downright cruel. They lead to more than one surprise, and a couple of drastic scenery changes, expertly executed by Scenic Designer Charlie Morgan and Jessica Ayala's props, abetted by Sam Fleming's costumes and Emily Allinson's wardrobes and makeup.

Will Howell (who was also sound designer), Cory Buffaloe, Tyler Richardson and Bridget Beirne fill out the superb cast. This was the third live play in the Players' winter series. The theater was less than half-filled for this night's performance, on a mild evening when fog produced by melting snow made travel difficult. But the small audience was big on enthusiasm and thoroughly enjoyed this excellent production.

Who won the bet? Who ended up next to the picture window? Did anyone? Did Abby regain her privacy? And what's with the title "Ripcord"? What does that have to do with anything? You have to see it.

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